Asian American Cancer Care Services

Serving cancer patients and families through service, education, and advocacy

服務項目 Our Services

1. 社區教育和服務 (Community Education and Services) 我們透過媒體、報紙及網站宣傳健康知識,提供亞裔最新健康和醫療訊息。也和達拉斯華人活動中心、角聲社區服務中心、亞裔婦女乳房保健計劃、慈濟達拉斯分會、西南醫學中心合作,定期邀請醫生舉辦健康和醫療講座。我們有聯邦政府認證的導航員,免費協助申請全民平價醫療保險(歐巴馬健保)、聯邦和州政府的低收入家庭兒童醫療補助、低收入兒童健康保險,和低收入懷孕婦女醫療補助。
2. 癌症預防及篩檢 (Cancer Prevention and Screening)  我們和本地醫學院和醫生合作,定期舉辦癌症醫療講座,提供免費B、C型肝炎篩檢,免費大腸癌預防和大便潛血篩檢,低收入無保險婦女乳房攝影,協助填寫生前醫療指示和醫療委託書。教育民眾如何經由健康生活方式和定期篩檢來預防癌症。與美國和台灣癌症相關團體互相聯繫,分享廣泛中英文資訊。
3. 翻譯服務 (Translation Services) 提供翻譯服務給需要英文協助的病人或家屬,以便與醫療人員溝通。
4. 醫療導航(Patient Navigation)  協助病患和家屬尋找醫療資訊,幫助病患應對複雜的癌症治療,依個別的情況,提供諮詢協助和建議。引導病人了解他們可運用的資源和可選擇的治療方式,並提供管道給癌友及照護者獲得網絡癌症訊息,以及如何預防、發現、治療及應對癌症的教育資源。


Our Services:
  1. Community Education and Services
We promote healthy living lifestyle to Asian Americans through the social media, newspapers, and website. AACCS collaborate with local community groups such as:
Dallas Chinese Community Center, Chinese Christian Herald Crusades at Dallas, Asian American Breast Health Outreach Project, Dallas Tzuchi Buddhist Foundation, and Southwestern Medical Center in community outreach. We invite doctors, nutritionists, medical professionals to provide medical and healthy living seminars on a regular basis. In addition, we provide free service to the public to enroll into Marketplace to apply for Obamacare, Children’s Medicaid, Children Health Insurance Program, and CHIP Perinatal Care.
  1. Cancer Prevention and Screening
We conduct cancer awareness education and promote the importance of cancer prevention screenings.  We partnerships with medical school students and doctors to provide free cancer prevention screenings such as: Hepatitis B, C screening and education to prevent liver cancer, colorectal cancer prevention education and FOBT screening to prevent colorectal cancer, and mammograms to low income no health insurance Asian American Women.
  1. Translation Services
We provide translation services to patients and their families who are non-English speakers to communicate with medical personnel.
  1. Patient Navigation
We help patients and their families navigate through the complex treatment maze, bill payments, health insurance coverages, and finding the best resources.
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